To my friends, supporters and all others that I have met along the way,
With the 2010 elections behind us, I want to extend my deepest appreciation and gratitude to all. I thank those of you who:
· Allowed me to share the floor at your meetings
· Offered advice and counsel
· Contributed your time, effort and hard earned cash
· Listened patiently and who stepped up to challenge me
· Voted for me or gave my campaign serious consideration
I want extend special thanks to my wife, Sue, who allowed us to sacrifice many evenings, weekends, vacation days as well a good deal of money on this campaign. I must also acknowledge Jay Edgar who built my website and Daryl Brooks, my campaign manager, who spent countless hours with me riding around in the Golden Toyota of Liberty. (It actually says Liberty Toyota on the license plate frame. True fact.)
Finally, I need to thank my employer, The Sawtooth Group and our CEO Bill, for their incredible indulgence and support over the past eight months. This is truly the best workplace in Jersey.
From the beginning of this run, I made a strategic decision to focus my efforts on the liberty and freedom movement including the Tea Party, 912 Project and Campaign for Liberty. This is because libertarian and Constitutional movement conservatives share a common DNA going back to Barry Goldwater who taught us that: “extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice (and) that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!”
Although libertarians and conservatives may part ways on some issues, we share a common passion for promoting a voluntary civil society, free trade, individual liberty, personal responsibility and fiscal restraint within the framework of a limited Constitutional government. We are all committed to the Rule of Law and stand opposed to the tyranny and whims of men.
Therefore, I plan to continue working with all of you on goals that many of us share including:
1. Passing a Balanced Budget Amendment.
2. Requiring that all future federal legislation cite its Constitutional authorization.
3. Overturning Obamacare and instituting free market reforms to drive down healthcare costs and expand consumer options.
4. Closing the IRS and freeing Americans from the burden of income tax planning, preparation and audits. For this I prefer the Fair Tax.
5. Protecting the value of Americans’ money by closing the Federal Reserve and restoring America to a hard currency standard.
6. Balancing the budget by closing unconstitutional federal agencies such as the Departments of Education and Energy, the EPA and Health and Human Services among others.
7. Transition to a privatized fiscally sustainable approach to retirement and senior care.
On the state level we need to:
1. Free parents and students from zip code monopoly schools by implementing free market school choice reforms.
2. Related to this, we need to free taxpayers from the tyranny of public employee unions including NJEA, AFSCME and the SEIU.
3. Root out corruption and double and triple dipping on government jobs and pensions at all levels.
4. Combat the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative – i.e. East Coast Cap and Trade
5. Institute welfare reforms that discourage a lifetime of dependency on the State
I congratulate Congressman Smith on his victory. Let’s be vigilant to commend him when he supports the cause of liberty and to chastise him when he reverts to his old statist / liberal voting habits. I also commend my three other opponents in the race for submitting their ideas for public scrutiny.
Let me close by reminding us that the struggle for freedom is ongoing. Let’s take inventory of our losses and gains and prepare for the battles ahead, particularly those that may be waged during the coming lame duck session of Congress.
God bless America!
Yours in Liberty
Joe Siano
2010 NJ Libertarian Candidate for Congress
NJ District 4