Wednesday, June 29, 2011

"Restoring Freedoms" 8-28-11

Originally slated for Jan 17th in remembrance of Martin Luther King the rally has been rescheduled for Sunday August 28th, 2011, the anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream" speech. Despite the date change, the goals of the conference have remained the same, to bring that message of freedom and liberty into the inner city and urban areas. The event will still be in Trenton, New Jersey at the State House from 10am-5pm.  This event will be Free, and open to the public.

In celebration of Dr. King's vision of a free and prosperous America for all, "Restoring Freedoms" is bringing diverse groups together in finding common ground, and return to the principles that have made America great.  In the words of Dr. King, "we need not do anything new, just live up to what God has given to us on paper".  The blueprint is there for all of us to see, in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

Please join us and listen to the following inspirational speakers as they speak to what freedom means to them, and how we begin a renaissance to insure America will always be that shining star on the hill, and be a beacon of light for justice and equality to those oppressed, for all the world to see.   Louis R. Jasikoff