Tuesday, February 21, 2012

FBI Releases Files on 2002 Winter Olympics; Someone Raised Red Flag About $103,597 Overseas Phone Bill

By Nate Carlisle
The Salt Lake Tribune
Twenty-four days before the Opening Ceremony of the 2002 Winter Olympics, the FBI’s counterterrorism unit sent a memo to its agents in Utah.

The FBI had received a tip from an employee at a cell service provider that a customer had racked up a $103,597 phone bill by making calls to Egypt, Yemen, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia, as well as calls to and from Salt Lake City. The employee was worried the calls could be part of terrorist activities.

The employee sent her tip by email, and the text was included in the FBI memo.
To read full story click here.

Ex-FBI Chief Spokesman John Miller Has Returned to TV

John Miller/fbi photo
By Allan Lengel

In case you didn’t notice, John Miller, who headed the FBI’s public affairs office, and then moved on in 2009 to become assistant deputy director of intelligence analysis for the Office of Director of National Intelligence, has returned to TV.

The New York Post recently reported that Miller showed up on “CBS This Morning”.

“I thought the stars were aligned — the two wars were winding down, bin Laden was killed,” Miller told the Post. He was named a CBS News senior correspondent in October.

“I always knew I was coming back to journalism,” he tells The Post. “It was just a question of when and where.”

From 1995 to 2002, Miller was an ABC news correspondent and in 2002, he was promoted to co-anchor of “20/20.”

FBI Ditches “Anti-Muslim” Materials

By Danny Fenster

The FBI has tossed out more than 700 documents and 3o0 presentations related to Islam following complaints that the bureau was using training materials that were factually inaccurate or wrongly stereotyping the religion, reports the Detroit Free Press. The FBI plans to go public with new rules on how to vet future training materials as well.

Robert Mueller, director of the FBI, said he pulled the documents at a meeting with advocacy groups two weeks ago. “The steps taken by the FBI … are certainly welcomed,” Abed Ayoub, the national director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, said Friday. He and members of six other religious or ethnic groups met with Mueller in to discuss the matter in Washington, D.C., expressing opposition to training materials they considered anti-Muslim.

To read more click here.

NYPD Monitored Muslim Students More Extensively than Thought

By Danny Fenster

New York Police monitored Muslim college students far broader than previously thought, reports the Associated Press. Further, the monitoring was conducted at schools far beyond city limits, including Rutgers University, Yale and the University of Pennsylvania. Officers even spoke with professors in Buffalo, 300 miles away from the city.

New York police even sent an agent undercover on a whitewater trip, according to the AP, “where he recorded students’ names and noted in police intelligence files how many times they prayed.”
Police spokesman Paul Browne offered a list of 12 people arrested or convicted on terrorism charges as members of Muslim student associations when asked about the monitoring.
To read more click here.

Fan Gives Best Account of Whitney’s Funeral and Life Ever! (Video)

Willie Moore Jr. sets us straight on Whitney and what her funeral meant to us all.

Whitney Houston would be proud to know some of her fans personally.  But, this guy has got to be her No. 1 fan.  The very moment he begins to talk about her funeral, you get a little fearful of what is coming out of his mouth next.  But, his take on what happened that day and what her legacy truly is goes straight to the core of all that she was and all that she was to us…whether we knew her or not.

Willie Moore Jr. gives a humorous account of her funeral and legacy in a way that makes one feel as though they’re hearing Whitney’s thoughts at times and her mother’s at others.  He reminds us how we only knew her work, but not knowing her personally did not keep us from receiving the message of her.

At one point he even reminds us of how much American television has taken Jesus out of most programming…but not Whitney’s funeral!  It is a refreshing, light-hearted testimony on how her life affected him and others around the world.  He spoke about  her with love saying:
“A few bad chapters can’t ruin a whole book….Even in her death, she still was ministerin’! …Say what you want, Jesus was exalted today…I ain’t neeeever heard so many Jesus’s on mainstream TV…. Get your fresh start, so God can get the victory out yo life like he did with Whitney!”
Learn more about this young, ordained minister that is spearheading the Young Fly and Saved Movement through his ministry and music here. He is truly worthy of the award he received in 2010 for Excellence by Dr. Noel Jones for his commitment to young people. He is definitely “bridging the gap between the Church and the streets” if this is an example of his work. PREACH BOY!
-J.C. Brooks

Child Welfare Threatens White Couple May Lose Black Child (Video)

Plenty of aspects of the foster care and social service departments are flawed.  We have heard horrific stories of abuse, mismanagement, neglect and more.  But, the latest problem is the complicated issue of placing foster children or approving adoptions for couples who are not the same race as the child.
The agencies are supposed to adhere to the federal Multi-Ethnic Placement Act that states that “agencies can no longer routinely assume that placing children with parents of the same race is in the best interests of a child,” according to News Channel 3 in Virginia.  This is a notice to child welfare agencies that if they are caught discriminating there will be legal repercussions.

A couple in Norfolk, Virginia, Ben and Sarah FitzPatrick were threatened by their local child welfare agency that they may lose custody of their black foster child.  It appears that the couple rustled some feathers in the department when they reported negligence on the agency’s behalf for the death of a foster child.  They had the child with them, but the agency decided for an undisclosed reason to move the child.  The family the child was taken to “abused the child to death.”

After they went to the News Channel 3 with their story, a social worker wanted to meet with them about the interview they gave, so they were told.  They then came to their home and said that it would probably be in the child’s best interest to be placed with a black family.

Discrimination is discrimination, plain and simple.  That is not right and the department should have been exposed for their negligence that resulted in a child’s death.  The FitzPatricks said there were signs that the agency missed when placing the child with the abusive family. (When you see the couple, you will surely understand.)
Check out the report from News Channel 3.
  -J.C. Brooks

Bobbi Kristina Drug Use Feared During Disappearance After Funeral

Bobbi Kristina Houston Brown
The rash of foolish, irresponsible media attention to Bobbi Kristina has already begun.  Several media outlets are already reporting that Bobbi Kristina was found in a hotel using drugs after her mother’s funeral.  While Bobbi Kristina has had her problems with drugs, there’s no reason to feel that she would jump to this remedy after her mother’s funeral.  In fact, it would be more rational to think she would do the opposite.
According to the Daily Beast, a family spokesperson for the Houston family gave the most truthful account of Bobbi Kristina’s disappearance after her mother’s funeral saying:

“There was some confusion about Bobbi Kristina’s whereabouts last night for a short time, but she’s OK,” a Houston family spokesperson told The Daily Beast. “She needed some time alone.” The spokesperson says Bobbi Kristina isn’t on drugs and is just emotionally fragile at this time. “She is going through a very hard time as you can expect.”
Everything else sounds sensational and exaggerated.  Of course the family would be concerned if they couldn’t locate her after the funeral, but it was probably expected…it’s expected of any of us that might lose a parent we love. But, the media has let the games begin with ripping accounts from all types of sources.
The sources in this Daily Beast report read like a “he said, she said” report.  The sources are as follows:  ”source who was with the family when they received the news”; “a second source was told of the event from a member of the family”; “one source, a longtime family friend” or “a source at the funeral who witnessed the conversation” .  There’s more sources in this report than a crackhouse raid with a $25,000 reward.
Read the full report here.

New Museum to Shine Spotlight on Civil Rights Era

ATLANTA — Drive through any state in the Deep South and you will find a monument or a museum dedicated to civil rights.

A visitor can peer into the motel room in Memphis where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was staying when he was shot or stand near the lunch counter in Greensboro, N.C., where four young men began a sit-in that helped end segregation.

Other institutions are less dramatic, like the Tubman African American Museum in Macon, Ga., where Jim

Crow-era toilet fixtures are on display alongside folk art.
But now, a second generation of bigger, bolder museums is about to emerge.

Atlanta; Jackson, Miss.; and Charleston, S.C., all have projects in the works. Coupled with the Smithsonian’sNational Museum of African American History and Culture, which breaks ground in Washington this week, they represent nearly $750 million worth of plans.

Collectively, they also signal an emerging era of scholarship and interest in the history of both civil rights and African-Americans that is to a younger generation what other major historical events were to their grandparents. “We’re at that stage where the civil rights movement is the newWorld War II,” said Doug Shipman, the chief executive officer for the National Center for Civil and Human Rights, a $100 million project that is to break ground in Atlanta this summer and open in 2014.

Click Here to Read

Republican Strategist Jokes about Killing President Obama

Republican Party Strategist Frank Luntz spoke at the annual Kent County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner Monday at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel. During the speech, he had some interesting things to say about President Obama.

“I actually have a ‘Run, Barack, Run,’ bumper-sticker but I put it on the front of my car,” he said.
Luntz then shifted his sights to Clinton.

“Or, that of all the places Hillary Clinton could choose to live, she chose Chappaqua, New York,” he said. “Did you know Chappaqua is Indian for ‘separate bedrooms?’”

Maryland Teen Dies After Drinking Four Loko

A 13 year old Maryland teen died in a car accident after he drank a can of Four Loko with friends, said his family.
The teen, Michael Thomas Truluck, felt sick on the ride home and when he opened the passenger side door to throw up, he was immediately hit by a Ford Explorer. He died later at Franklin Square Hospital.

It is not yet clear who gave the teen the caffeine and alcohol fueled party drink, which is outlawed in its original formula in some states.

In its original formula, Four Loko is the equivalent of four beers and one cup of Starbucks coffee – a potentially lethal combination since the caffeine prevents drinkers from fully gauging how intoxicated they really are.

David Cross Admits to Snorting Cocaine Near President Obama at White House Correspondent’s Dinner

David Cross is telling all with his disturbing confession that he snorted cocaine just feet away away from President Obama at a White House event.
“It wasn’t even that much cocaine. It was literally the size of, I don’t know, a tick,” said Cross, who attended the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in 2009.
“I ducked under the table and did it. It wasn’t like I got high. The jolt was similar to licking an empty espresso cup. It wasn’t about that. It was just about being able to say that I did it, that I did cocaine in the same room as the President,” he told Playboy magazine.

Cross said in 2009 that snorting cocaine at the White House was all part of an ongoing dare and challenge game that he plays with his friends.

White House economic team never believed ‘stimulus’ would work

By Bill Wilson

Former White House Council of Economic Advisors head Christina Romer apparently never thought the $800 billion “stimulus” that was supposed to turn the economy around would work, a new book shedding light on the early days of the Obama Administration says.
A memo brought to light in “The Escape Artists” by Noam Scheiber shows Romer originally proposed a spending plan that totaled $1.8 trillion, but the figure was dismissed as politically infeasible by Larry Summers, Director of the White House Economic Council. Romer came back with a watered down proposal of $1.2 trillion, but that was left out of the final proposal brought before Barack Obama himself.

Nonetheless, even though the final proposal was a full $1 trillion short of what she thought would work, Romer penned the political document that justified the $800 billion figure. Romer’s “The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment” warned that “The recovery plan needs to be large to counter the tremendous job loss that is likely to occur.”

Based on her methodology, she wrote, “the package contains enough stimulus that we can have confidence that it will create sufficient jobs to meet the President-Elect’s goals.”

Then Obama was promising to “save or create” 3 million jobs, a promise he fell way short of. Since he took office, the labor force participation rate has dropped from 65.7 percent to 63.7 percent, resulting in over 4.7 million people have been dropped out of the civilian labor force.

In fact, there were almost 142.2 million people employed when Obama took office. Now, that number dropped to a low of 137.9 million in Dec. 2009 and has only risen to 141.6 million since then. The economy is not even keeping up with the growth of the population, let alone reclaiming a single one of the lost 8 million jobs in this recession.
Get full story here.

Why Not Separation of Liberalism and State?

By David Bozeman

The idea that liberalism is a religion unto itself is by no means original. Still, how frustrating that America has been conditioned to regard traditional religious influences as the gravest threats to our liberty.
We have become so jumpy that even the most benign sentiments—like saying Merry Christmas — in the private marketplace, no less, are uttered in measured tones or watered down altogether (holiday trees, anyone?), lest a creeping theocracy swallow our Bill of Rights. But the truth is, liberals eschew religion in politics not out of any concern for liberty. Quite simply, they can't stand the competition.

Why is my freedom any less compromised if I must follow the edicts of Kathleen Sebelius as opposed to, say, Pat Robertson? The insurance companies must provide contraception. Must?
Liberals boast of their openness to abortion and unconstrained sexuality, but that is just a fig-leaf to cover their own statist leanings. Conservatives, according to the gospel of conventional wisdom, are too concerned with what goes on in our bedrooms. Still, liberals have the rest of your house pretty well covered. The left currently regulates, or would like to regulate: your light bulbs, the water flow in your toilet, your car's gas mileage, your health insurance coverage, your child's education, your retirement options, your fat intake, your salt intake, your child's school lunch, your right to own everything from guns to plastic grocery bags, etc., etc.

Of course liberalism is a religion. All of the qualities attributed to traditional faith equally apply to liberalism. It has its own prophets (Barack Obama), clergy (the mainstream media, many public school teachers), churches (public schools, public employee union halls), revivals (Occupy Wall Street, storming the Wisconsin State House), tithing (taxes, particularly on 'the rich') and behavior- altering predictions for the end of the world (Al Gore's award-winning 'documentary' An Inconvenient Truth).
While Christians tend to frown upon rampant sexuality and blasphemy, deadly sins and sinners against liberalism include: big profits, Wal-Mart, SUVs, the Boy Scouts, big oil, big pharmaceuticals, big insurance, McDonald's, right-to-work states, unrestricted speech on college campuses, talk radio not hindered by a fairness doctrine and feisty Alaska moms who run for public office. Ann Coulter said it best: "You haven't seen religious indignation until you've seen a liberal react to a lit cigarette in the no-smoking section."
Get full story here.