Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Activist Daryl Mikell Brooks Pens New Audio Book Why Me?

TRENTON-- Political activist Daryl Mikell Brooks releases new audio-book, Why Me?, chronicling his life experiences as a Trenton resident, activist, and former candidate for US Senate. In the audio-book, the political firebrand recalls his days growing up in the city's Donnelly Homes along with his 3 1/2 year stint in prison for a crime he claims he did not commit.

Brooks was convicted in 1998 on counts of child endangerment, lewdness, and sexual assault. From day one, he insists he did nothing wrong and that he was railroaded for his unapologetic, no hold's barred, political speech exposing corruption in high places.
For info go to:    http://dmbrooksgroup.blogspot.com/

To get a copy of the audio-book, click the link below: