Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tiger Has Sports Writers Choking On Crow . . . .


Sports Writers of America, no, let me be precise here, “White” Sports Writers of America, permit me to ask this question of you; What does crow, actually striped tiger crow taste like?

I forgot what game it was where post-prison Mike Vick threw for almost 300 yards and ran for over 100 strategic back breaking yards, and I hammered-out a piece-of-my-mind,  asking the same question of the same White Wordsmiths – “what does crow taste like . . .”

Outside of the “die nigger . . .die  luv letters I received . . . it was so-quiet you could hear a rat piss on cotton. . .   Vick was like Clint Eastwood in “Hang ‘em high” he came back and got payback, revenge, screw redemption – he silenced his critics.

That’s what Tigers doing – “silencing his critics. . . “ by winning. After all –  winning takes care of everything.  Wining the  Arnold Palmer Invitational in Orlando, Fla.,  to regain the No. 1 ranking for the first time since Oct. 24, 2010.

The over-the-top ill-will we all heard and saw aimed at Woods, is of the same-vein we saw play-out in the Vick lynching; “do to Vick what he did to dogs . . . .”  As if both lives are equal.
Yet we know . . . in the eyes of millions of Whites  - a Black person’s life and that of Rin Tin Tin or Lassie are one-in-the-same. . . .

These attacks are derived from two things; the hate-filled “wishful thinking” a large segment of Whites have for Blacks – they were waiting and hoping for Tiger’s demise, merely based on his skin-color.

The “gutter-low” expectations are the ones  those same Whites historically and still today reserve for Blacks – we can’t fly airplanes, perform brain surgery, put-out a fire, quarterback a football team or be President of these no longer united states of America.

That “American Exceptionalism” mentality which translates into “White Supremacy.”

“Hate-filled wishful thinking” in-that after a half-century on this planet –  I agree with both the Black intelligentsia and the Black man on the corner – White folks think lowly of Black people, end-of-story.

And that blanket summation of WASP culture is illustrated via the enslavement and the following 4th class treatment Blacks have received. And there’s no questioning the civil rights gains of this nation were achieved with well-over half of White America “objecting,” and only going along in a “kickin’ n’ screamin’” manner.

Look at the Supreme Court . . . as we speak Judge Scalia and his house negro Clarence Thomas  are attempting to dismantle the work of MLK, JFK, LBJ, FDR and even ol Abe, reverse the society wide “progress” which created “uppity niggers” – like the one in the White House. This court is doing the work of the “White Establishment,” working to keep the barbarians at the gates, the Mexicans at the border and all of us on the urban reservations killing each other.

Gutter low expectations

Now wait, don’t turn-up your nose, roll your eyes and dismiss my notion as “Desi playing the race-card again . . . that’s all he does.“

Look, when I run-across one of those surveys/polls where Black children and Black senior citizens receive inferior medical treatment and service when compared n’ contrasted to White counterparts with the identical background . . .  White nurses and doctors don’t prescribe Black babies and grandmothers the same cures White folks receive . . .  and you can extend this disparity to banking, real estate, education . . . it merely solidifies my belief that not all, but say well-over half of most White people I encounter, at the end of the day . . . see me as inferior by my very nature . . . .
And he see’s the nation, the world, the people who inhabit it . . . differently than I do.

We’re all riff-raff, trash . . . the unwashed masses.

I want to join hands and sing “Kumbaya” and  “We Are The World” – most White folks, and specifically men – see it how history tells us they’ve always seen it . . . “the world is mine.”

From this mentality we get Euro-Colonialism/Manifest Destiny, i.e.,  the genocide of the North/South American Natives, the enslavement of Blacks, the killing-off of the Buffalo, the cutting-down of the giant Sequoia Trees, the killing-off of Whales . . a general disrespect of everything n’ everybody with personal-profit valued above all-else.

Throw-in greed, unbridled, unchecked reckless, careless laissez faire capitalism . . . and those are the elements which have shaped our nation/world.

Tighten your belts, I’m gonna swing-it-back-to-Tiger . . . He’s believed to be, by a significant percentage of Whites, “inferior,” somehow “lacking” in his genetic makeup.  His culture, his upbringing, the morals n’ values his parents passed down to him . . . all lacking.

Throw into-the-mix Tiger “betrayed” his marriage vows, on numerous occasions, with a multitude of bimbos. Which gave his critics the opportunity to point-out . . .  he was a Black man after all, like Bill Clinton . . . .

White men don’t cheat on their wives . . . they were raised right.

In the guesstimation of  the White court of public opinion – Tiger’s shortcomings and failures indicated he was clearly nothing more than another brainwashed millionaire nigger . . . strung-out on White tramps . . . and when it’s all said n’ done, the full-grown boy lacks the determination and heart to climb back-up on-top of the country club wimps and kick sand in their faces.

Gee, how wrong  they were.  I believe they underestimated the man.

In a nation where over 50% of all marriages are plagued by extramarital affairs and 75% of unions end in divorce . . . who are they to pile-on-top, and kick this cat when he was down, but we all read it and heard it. Tiger was a womanizer . . . and they’re may not be a Hobbit’s handful of pro-golfers and sports writers who haven’t committed some form of the same crimes against holy matrimony.

And Gee, how wrong were these experts of the game to predict his reign was over . . . .
His critics claimed he was emotionally/mentally scarred for life, unable to focus in the clutch, stay consistent. He was getting old. Too beat -up.

They had low-expectations of Tiger.

Now the only ones choking are the pundits and pontificators who had this man dismissed to the status of another broken, battered and  rejected OJ . . .  who too was punished for betraying his honorary White guy status society had rewarded him with.

White America tolerated  OJ bedding a beautiful Blond bombshell . . . they permitted him to golf at the county club in 1980. The same-powers-that-be turned a blind-eye to Tiger’s taking of the Nordic snow princess and they allowed him to pitch their products – everything n’ anything to the unwashed masses.

There are those who wanted to write Tiger off for betraying the trust they had in him that he was one of the “good-ones” they could count-on to not screw-up the money. That Tiger didn’t have the flaws most men have . . . that’s asking too much of any man.

Now they’re choking on crow.

Most men, and women are “collections-of-contradictions.”  We do “right’ and we do “wrong.”
At the end-of-the-day. most of us try to do much-more good than bad. A doctor saves a life in the AM and slaps his wife in the PM, same for a fireman or cop. I expect from humans mistakes and accidents, frailties, faults and flaws – none of us are perfect.

Experts Say Too Many High-Level Justice Department Jobs Are Vacant

Steve Neavling

Experts are worried about numerous vacancies in the criminal and national security divisions of the Justice Department, Sari Horwitz of the Washington Post reports.

“There is no question that the vacancies always have an effect,” Robert Raben, an assistant attorney general in the Clinton administration, said. “Senior leadership matters in policymaking, responsiveness to Congress and making cases.”

The Washington Post wrote that high-level positions for appointees and department heads create a security threat, according to former Justice Department officials.

But Max Stier, president and chief executive of the nonprofit Partnership for Public Service, said those kinds of positions often take time to be filled during the beginning of a president’s second term.
“It’s critical to have these positions filled,” Stier said. “It’s very difficult even when there are capable acting or career people in those jobs because the organization just doesn’t operate in the same way.”

Border Patrol Agent Arrested After Failing to Report Big Cash Deposits

Steve Neavling

A U.S. Border Patrol agent has been arrested on allegations of avoiding federal reporting requirements when he deposited more than $61,000 in cash, the Associated Press reports.
Raimundo Borjas is on leaving pending an investigation.

Authorities said most of the money was in $100 bills and was frayed and dirty.
Borjas has been a Border Patrol agent since 2003, the AP wrote.

Can FBI Tap Into Cell Phones without a Warrant? Arguments Begin in Federal Court Today

Steve Neavling
The FBI’s use of cell-phone tracking technology will go on trial this afternoon.
At issue is stingray devices, which use legitimate cell towers to connect to mobile devices, CNET reports.
Civil libertarians argue the devices violate Americans’ Fourth Amendment right to reasonable privacy and want to impose limits on them, in the same way that challenges forced restrictions on warrantless use of thermal imaging devices, CNET wrote.

Federal authorities say stingray devices are a useful tool in cracking crimes.

Guys Who Do Housework Get Less Sex

Guys Who Do Housework Get Less Sex
News Link  •  Sexuality

03-28-2013  • 
It may be gratifying for women to see their husbands loading the dishwasher or folding laundry, but is it sexy? Yes, according to many media stories. “Men: Want More Sex? Do the Laundry” was headline of a 2009 report from CBS News. According to Naomi Wolf, “research has shown that the most erotic thing a man can do for a woman is the dishes.” Sheryl Sandberg, the author of Lean In, agrees. “Nothing is sexier” she says, than a man who wants to do his share of the housework. “It may be counterintuitive,” writes Sandberg, “but the best way for a man to make a pass at his wife is to do the dishes.” Sandberg urges readers to check out a “fabulous little book” called Porn for Women produced by the Cambridge Women’s Pornography Cooperative. It is full of images of hunky guys vacuuming, dusting, and cleaning the kitty litter.

But now a new study in the American Sociological Review casts doubt on the truth of this happy feminist idyll. Men routinely doing “female” chores appear to have less—not more—sex. According to the authors, Sabino Kornrich (Center for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Madrid), Julie Brines (University of Washington), and Katrina Leupp (University of Washington):

Couples in which men participate more in housework typically done by women report having sex less frequently. Similarly, couples in which men participate more in traditionally masculine tasks—such as yard work, paying bills, and auto maintenance—report higher sexual frequency.

The three researchers looked at data from a nationally representative sample of 4,500 heterosexual married couples from the U.S. National Survey of Families and Households, 1992–1994—the most recent large-scale study measuring household chores, sexual frequency, and marital satisfaction.
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Reported by Ernest Hancock

The Global Elite Are Very Clearly Telling Us That They Plan To Raid Our Bank Account

The Global Elite Are Very Clearly Telling Us That They Plan To Raid Our Bank Accounts
News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA

 03-28-2013  • 

 They are already very clearly telling you that they are going to do it. Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem is the president of the Eurogroup - an organization of eurozone finance ministers that was instrumental in putting together the Cyprus "deal" - and he has said publicly that what has just happened in Cyprus will serve as a blueprint for future bank bailouts. What that means is that when the chips are down, they are going to come after YOUR money. So why should anyone put a large amount of money in the bank at this point?Perhaps you can make one or two percent on your money if you shop around for a really good deal, but there is also a chance that 40 percent (or more) of your money will be confiscated if the bank fails. 
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Reported by Robert Lee

Why the Awlakis Were Killed

Why the Awlakis Were Killed
News Link  •  Foreign Policy

03-28-2013  • 
 It wasn’t because Awlaki was trying to take away the freedom of the American people. It was instead because he was opposing the U.S. national-security state’s interventionism in the Middle East and neighboring regions. The issue is a simple one:
People over there are saying to the Pentagon and the CIA:
Go home. Leave us alone. Close your military bases. Cease your sanctions, embargoes, coups, invasions, occupations, regime-change operations, threats, kidnapping, incarceration, prison camps, torture, and support of our dictators. Just go home and deal with your own problems.
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Reported by Robert Lee

What Is the REAL Euro End Game?

What Is the REAL Euro End Game?
News Link  •  European Union

03-28-2013  •  The Daily Bell 
  If you've been following the Cyprus bailout story at all, you're probably familiar by now with Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the Dutch Finance Minister who became President of the Eurogroup of euro zone finance ministers in January. As President of the Eurogroup, Dijsselbloem has one extremely important job: communicating to the public the decisions taken by the group. After all, he is the figurehead. ... Dijsselbloem, who has basically spent the first two days of this week, following the inking of the Cyprus deal on Sunday night, going on and on about how this is not, in fact, a special case. – Business Insider
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SpaceX's Dragon Capsule 2.0 Looks Like 'Alien Spaceship,' Elon Musk Says

SpaceX's Dragon Capsule 2.0 Looks Like 'Alien Spaceship,' Elon Musk Says
News Link  •  Space Travel and Exploration

03-28-2013  •  Space 
The next version of the Dragon spacecraft built by the private spaceflight company SpaceX will look like something truly out of this world, according to Elon Musk, the company's billionaire founder and CEO.
Musk detailed some of the high points of the firm's much-anticipated Dragon Version 2 to reporters....
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Reported by Powell Gammill

US Army vet charged with fighting with al-Qaida

US Army vet charged with fighting with al-Qaida
News Link  •  Syria

03-28-2013  •  AP 
A U.S. Army veteran, who boasted on Facebook of his military adventures with Syrian rebels, was charged Thursday with firing rocket propelled grenades as part of an attack led by an al-Qaida group against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Eric Harroun, 30, of Phoenix, was charged in U.S. District Court in Alexandria with conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction — specifically, a rocket propelled grenade launcher — outside the U.S.
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Reported by Powell Gammill

Monday, March 11, 2013

Exposing China's Weakness

Exposing China's Weakness
News Link  •  China

Exposing China's Weakness

03-11-2013  •  arclein 
You see, China is home to the world's largest shale gas resources, one that dwarfs our own. But their struggle lies in their methods of extraction. They haven't figured out a way to extract these fossil fuels economically. China is years away from tapping their shale gas deposits — and they'll have a gigantic target painted on their backs until they do.  Read Full Story
Reported by Robert Klein

Obama to Top Brass: Will you fire on American Citizens?

Obama to Top Brass: Will you fire on American Citizens?
News Link  •  Martial Law

Obama to Top Brass: Will you fire on American Citizens?

After viewing this extremely shocking interview consider the information presented in this equally shocking article. Read Full Story Reported by Powell Gammill

SWAT: Is America Coming Under Martial Law?

SWAT: Is America Coming Under Martial Law?
News Link  •  Law Enforcers or Peace Officers

SWAT: Is America Coming Under Martial Law?

03-10-2013  •  Jonathan Turley 
Many of the articles detail doors suddenly smashed open, flash grenades and gas grenades tossed into the home, people thrown to the floor handcuffed and left for hours in that position, by invading SWAT teams that either had the wrong house, faulty leads and or in some cases enforcing what were clearly civil warrants. 
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Reported by Powell Gammill

Rose Koire and Christina Tobin Discuss Agenda 21 and the Non-Partisan Effort to Defeat It

Rose Koire and Christina Tobin Discuss Agenda 21 and the Non-Partisan Effort to Defeat It
News Link  •  United Nations

03-11-2013  •  Daily 
  According to Rosa Koire the United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development program is the action plan and blueprint to inventory and control every person and thing on the planet. That means you, me, plants, animals, minerals, water, machines, information and basically the entire world!
Everything that impacts our lives is related and linked to U.N. Sustainable Development and according to Rosa it’s a public relations scam and it's showing up everywhere.
A scam shrouded in the feel good language of saving the earth, but the reality is that U.N. Agenda 21 is the biggest threat to human freedom ever!
Listen to this 17 minutes interview and learn about Agenda 21. More importantly learn how you can recognize it when you see.
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Reported by Robert Lee

Congress, Drones, and The Imperial Presidency

Congress, Drones, and The Imperial Presidency
News Link  •  Congress

Congress, Drones, and The Imperial Presidency

03-11-2013  •, Dr. Ron Paul 
  I find it tragic that there has to be a discussion on an issue that should be so self-evident.

However, feeling the pressure, the administration finally said “no,” but in language so twisted that no one should feel in the slightest bit reassured. According to Attorney General Eric Holder, the president does not believe he has the right to use the military to kill an American who is “not engaged in combat on American soil.” Left undefined is how the administration defines “combat.” As constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley wrote last week, “one can easily foresee this or a future president insisting that an alleged terrorism conspiracy is a form of ‘combat’.”

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Reported by Robert Lee

Gabby Giffords's Husband Buys AR-15

Gabby Giffords's Husband Buys AR-15
News Link  •  Gun Rights

Gabby Giffords's Husband Buys AR-15

03-11-2013  •  Daily 
  Kelly reportedly bought the AR-15 and a 1911-style semi-automatic pistol at a gun store in Tucson, Arizona.
Breitbart News received a tip on this when Neil McCabe, editor of Guns & Patriots newsletter, contacted us on March 7 and said:
Mark E. Kelly, made purchases which included an AR-15--sometimes described as an "assault rifle"--at 3:30 pm on the afternoon of March 5 at Diamondback Police Supply, 170 S. Kolb Street, Tucson, AZ.
According to McCabe, witnesses to the purchases claimed Kelly purchased "high capacity" magazines as well.
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Reported by Robert Lee

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

NKorea vows to cancel Korean War cease-fire

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - North Korea vowed Tuesday to cancel the 1953 cease-fire that ended the Korean War, citing a U.S.-led push for punishing U.N. sanctions over its recent nuclear test and ongoing U.S.-South Korean joint military drills.   North Korea's Korean People's Army Supreme Command warned of stronger additional countermeasures in a statement that came amid reports that Washington and North Korean ally Beijing have approved a draft of punishing sanctions for a U.N. Security Council resolution responding to North Korea's Feb. 12 nuclear test. The draft is expected to be circulated at the U.N. this week.   The United States and others worry that North Korea's third nuclear test pushes it a step closer toward its goal of having nuclear-armed missiles that can reach America, and condemn its rocket launches and nuclear tests as a dangerous threat to regional security.   North Korea says its nuclear program is a response to U.S. hostility that dates back to the 1950-53 Korean War, which ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty, leaving the Korean Peninsula still technically in a state of war.   North Korea warned it will cancel the Korean War cease-fire agreement on March 11, citing U.S.-South Korean military drills that began March 1.   North Korea said Washington and others are going beyond mere economic sanctions and expanding into blunt aggression and military acts. North Korea also warned that it will block a communications line between it and the United States at the border village separating the two Koreas.