Monday, February 23, 2009

Is Octuplet Babies' Daddy For Real?

What a guy! If I found out that one of my ex-girlfriends had eight to 14 babies that maybe, just might, or possibly could be mine, the last thing I'd do is volunteer a blood test.

Somebody watches too much Jerry Springer.

Denis Beaudoin tells Good Morning America that "Octo-Mom" Nadya Suleman was not so crazy for babies when they were dating about a decade ago. But he did donate his sperm to her three times.

Good Morning America's interview with the former boyfriend and possible father of Nadya Suleman's octuplets (as well as the previous six children birthed by Suleman) aired Monday morning. ...

Beaudoin said he and Suleman had a "serious" three-year relationship from 1997 to 1999 when he was in his early 20s. So serious that he broke off some of his seed just in case she ever needed it. He felt bad that she could not have children at the time.

Lucky for him, Suleman says he's not the octo-daddy.

Suleman has denied Beaudoin is the father of her children, claiming he was infertile. Suleman's representative, Victor Munoz, tells PEOPLE, "The real sperm donor knows who he is. This guy is definitely not the one. It's kind of comical. Nadya's not sure why he's doing this." Today, Beaudoin is married and the father of two children.

What planet is this guy from? And get this. He wants to help with the octuplets whether he's the dad or not. You are a better man than I Mr. Beaudoin.

+ Man who donated sperm wants DNA test for octuplets

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