Monday, February 9, 2009

Stimulus Bill: Putting $900 Billion in Perspective

At this moment in time, the Stimulus bill is winding its way through the Senate. A vote is currently expected sometime tomorrow.

Since the bill the House passed is different than the Senate version, a Conference Committee consisting of members of both the House and Senate will gather to hammer out the differences. Then that version will go to a vote in both the House and Senate. Assuming passage, it will then be presented to President Obama for signature into law.

So currently we don’t know what the Stimulus bill will look like, but most reports are showing it will be in the neighborhood of $900,000,000,000. (That’s 900 billion dollars.)

That is an incomprehensible amount of money.

I went through this exercise back in October when the previous “bailout bill” was passed to the tune of $700 billion.

Let’s try to wrap our minds around just how much 900,000,000,000 is:

There are 31,536,000 seconds in a year.

If you had a time machine and wanted to go back in time 900 billion seconds, you’d find yourself whisked back in time a total of 28,539 years.

Want to talk to Plato? Sorry, he won’t be born for another 26,102 years.

Want to watch the construction of the Egyptian pyramids? You’re going to have to wait about 25,800 years.

OK, so what can you do now that you’ve traveled back in time 900 billion seconds?

Well, since you’d be in the Upper Paleolithic era (aka the Late Stone Age), you might be able to catch a Cro-Magnon man making a cave painting.

But hey, at least the Ice Age won’t start for another 7,000 years

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