Thursday, March 5, 2009

Black Activists Joining Minutemen Against Illegal Immigration By Digger

It seems the black community is starting to wake up to the truth about illegal immigration and it's impact on them. While illegal aliens have continued to drive down wages and hurt those in this country whose livelihood depends on manual labor, the activists in the black community have actually supported them -- if you can believe that.

Just recently it was discovered that at one single placement agency alone, over 70 construction workers -- who were predominantly black -- in the Katrina recovery region were replaced by illegal aliens. This is one agency. Multiply that by all the agencies in the region and you'll see what a travesty is being placed on the black community by illegal immigration. These are Americans who want to work, not people looking for a handout.

Now they are starting to speak out against the injustices illegal immigration places on those they claim to defend and support.


Several black activists plan to join members of the Minutemen Project to protest illegal immigration, which organizer Ted Hayes touted as the "biggest threat to blacks in America since slavery."


Hayes, a homeless activist, alleged that most homeless people in Los Angeles are black and illegal immigration compounds the problem since blacks refuse to accept the "slave wages" that many illegal immigrants accept.


"While all Americans are suffering from this invasion, we blacks are suffering the most," Hayes said. "We feel like the leaders promoting this issue are being insensitive. This country wasn't built on the backs of immigrants like (Villaraigosa) says. It was built on the back of West African slaves."

Immigrant activist Nativo Lopez believes Hayes is out of step with most black leaders and that both blacks and Hispanics face the same problems.

Nice of Nativo Lopez to try to confuse the issue by talking about Hispanics in general and not illegal aliens, which is what the activists are pissed about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enough!!! Everywhere I now turn, city workers, sanitation workers, construction site workers, etc. are illegal aliens! Not only is the government doing little to nothing to address this invasion, it now hires illegals who are paid by hard working American voters/workers tax dollars!
The situation is very simple, enforce the illegal immigration laws that are already on the books, and also heavily fine or close those employer's who knowingly hire these invaders!