Wednesday, March 25, 2009

EU President: Obama on "way to hell"

>>Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek, whose country currently holds the EU presidency, told the European Parliament that President Barack Obama's massive stimulus package and banking bailout "will undermine the stability of the global financial market." [...] Topolanek bluntly said that "the United States did not take the right path.".

He slammed the U.S.' widening budget deficit and protectionist trade measures — such as the "Buy America" — and said that "all of these steps, these combinations and permanency is the way to hell."<<

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, Mr. Topolanek should first look at his own country and then judge the others. Czech republic is on the edge and he keeps talking about Obamas plan being terrible, no wonder their government has collapsed couple days ago.

Take care, Julie