Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Obama: Channeling His Inner Bill Clinton

The duty of fixing America's economic crisis inherited by President Barack Obama has in some ways painted the new leader into a corner. Virtually his every major appointment, decision or announcement or piece of legislation sponsored is connected to addressing our broken economy.

But a successful president has to be more than a one-trick pony. Over time, other facets of Obama's leadership will emerge, but for now, I can't ever recall seeing a new president as limited in what he needs to say to constituents.

That is why I find it interesting that Obama selected the terrible flooding in the northern Midwest for his weekly address topic this weekend. ...

With his words of praise and support for the people of the Dakotas and Minnesota, Obama will likely be channeling his inner Bill Clinton, our beloved empathizer-in-chief who raised the action of feeling our pain to high art.

When Obama makes a likely visit to flood-ravaged areas this week, shakes the hands of volunteers who spent days filling sandbags and evacuating their neighbors, we will see a side of his leadership that has not yet been on display.

For at least a brief respite, Obama won't be the president at the helm of the largest government spending plan ever to fix an economy, which was shattered before he even took the oath of office -- as his supporters say.

And he won't be the president at the helm of the most irresponsible government spending grab bag for the undeserving -- as his critics say.

For a change, Obama will be the president and empathizer for us all, delivering a message of hope for flood-ravaged states that both supporters and critics can support.

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