Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Obama Presser & Democratic Budget Revolt

Obama’s perfectly choreographed press conference last night was at best an off Broadway production, and at worst the latest example of a man in way over his head. From the book report opening statement to the pre selected and orchestrated 13 questions, Obama’s bloom as master of all is devolving into master of reading.

The whole point of the presser was for Obama to sell his budget to the people, but even Democrats are beginning to think Obama is full of…. temeprompter.

Later, the president travels to Capitol Hill for budget talks with House and Senate Democrats. They’re concerned about the possibility of worse-than-feared deficits. But Obama thinks broad economic growth, as he put it Tuesday night, can lead from “borrow and spend” to “save and invest.”

I think the entire basis for how Obama schedules his deficit projections is flawed since his budget, tax increases (and oh boy are there a lot), and massive expansion of interventionist and expensive government programs are going to stifle our economy and with a staggering economy, there is no growth, let alone 3% consistent growth as Obama is counting on to keep his budget deficits at a mere $10 Trillion.

The trillions in new federal spending and trillions in mandated consumer carried costs are going to hamper any ability for economic recovery and expansion. There is no way, with his budget and broad agenda as currently crafted, that America can recover, let alone grow. His budget is designed to install the federal government as the central planning office for the American Union of Formerly Sovereign States. Obama is proposing the largest expansion of government, confiscatory taxation, and dictatorial Government ever. Frankly the American government is going to become un-American under Obama.

The only thing Americans and Obama can count on is that Government will grow and taxes will increase under Obama. The 800 pound gorilla in this debates is that when Government grows, is sucks even more money out of the economy and that money comes from everyone in the economy, that’s each and every American. Hence, the deficit will be far worse, unless of course Obama is going to tax everyone to fund the Government he thinks is an investment.

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