Friday, March 6, 2009

Rush Limbaugh: Hero, bête noir, punching bag

Media Matters, the media watchdog group, announced Thursday that it had launched Limbaugh Wire, a site devoted to watchdogging the conservative talk radio host.

The move comes after several prominent Republicans dared to cross Limbaugh, then made hasty public apologies.

According to a Media Matters press release, “The conservative movement is breaking down, and the most influential right-wing voice in the media — Rush Limbaugh — has solidified his role as their de facto leader. His proclamation that he “hope[s]” President Obama “fails” started a firestorm that continues to rage. With conservatives dubbing Limbaugh a leader of the conservative movement, Media Matters has launched a new website dedicated to monitoring his commentary and smears.”

But not everyone is taking Limbaugh so seriously. The ultra-snarky Wonkette will NOT LET UP on the guy, who has lately ranked a spot on the site’s top bar (along with Barack Obama, GOP and “lamers”).

Those of you with a very high tolerance for snark (we warned you!) and a healthy dislike of Limbaugh will appreciate posts like this one:

How do you get what’s left of the Republican Party to destroy itself? It sure helps to have some self-obsessed drug-addicted sociopath like Rush Limbaugh as “leader” of the doomed wingnuts! At some point in January, the same Obama strategists who outmaneuvered the Clinton Machine and American Racism noticed that an AM radio jackass beloved by angry white guys in service trucks — who else listens to AM radio, during the workday? — was publicly wishing failure upon both the new Obama Administration and the U.S. Economy. Maybe this bloated oil bag could bring down the entire GOP! Two months later, the plan seems to be working flawlessly…

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