Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Life 360: The Fitness Expert on Losing the Last 5 Pounds & Mixing Up the Workout

Q: I am having trouble losing the last five pounds of my total weight loss goal. Do you have any tips that can help?

Lindsay Messina, Full Circle Six: Yes. Step out of your comfort zone and kick it up a notch! First, calculate how many calories you burn within the usual time frame of your cardio session. The next day, try to burn the same amount of calories, only this time, deduct five minutes off your usual time. This will both increase your strength and help you move past your fat-burning zone. Circuit training and alternating cardio and weights two to three times a week can also help keep your heart rate up and burn efficient amounts of calories. Lastly, watch your carbohydrates; nutrition is more than half the battle. To keep on top of the portions you're eating, let your hands be your guide. Try to keep your portions to a size that can fit in your palm, which is about half a cup.

Q: I am bored with going to the gym. What can I do to mix up my workout?
Lindsay Messina, Full Circle Six: We can all use some fresh inspiration every now and then. Try ballroom dancing, sign up for a fitness boot camp or take yoga classes. If you've been stuck indoors, it's time to go outside and bike ride, hike or power walk up a hill. Find a football field with bleachers and run or power walk up and down for several repetitions. If you work out alone, consider adding a partner. You can also spice things up at your gym by taking a class you haven't tried before, such as kickboxing, spinning or one that incorporates hip-hop moves. The less bored you are, the more enjoyable the workout will be and the faster you'll see results. Remember: Muscle has memory, so always try to surprise your body with different movements and exercises and you'll never fall into a fitness rut.

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