Monday, May 11, 2009

Somalia: Government Says It Was Attacked

Somalia — Farhan Ali Mohamud, the information minister of the Somali government has said in a press conference he held in the Somali capital Mogadishu on Sunday that bases of the transitional government were attacked by what he called anti-peace groups.

Mr. Farhan said that groups against the Somali government attacked several bases of the transitional government in the past 48 hours denying that there were any government controlled places captured in the fighting.

The information minister accused the opposition groups of being behind the attacks against the government soldiers and described them that they are people who don't want peace and to rule the country with Sharia law adding that there were foreigners who involved the fighting in Mogadishu.

"We could respond the assaults but we were respecting the Somali people and the civilians. The places that they are claiming they captured are the places where the civilians lived and there are no casualties reached our side or the government soldiers," Mr. Farhan said.

The statement of the information minister of the Somali government Mr. Farhan Ali comes after four days of heavy fighting that killed more than 50 people in Mogadishu and it is the first time that the Somali government talks the fighting since the fighting began.

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