Monday, May 11, 2009

Sykes rips Limbaugh: Hopes his kidneys fail

Comedian Wanda Sykes tore into Rush Limbaugh at the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner on Saturday night, suggesting that the conservative commentator’s anti-Obama agenda makes him akin to a terrorist, specifically, one of the 9/11 hijackers.

“Rush Limbaugh said he hope this administration fails,” said Sykes, who was the featured comedian at the hotly anticipated social event in Washington, D.C. attended by President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. “So you’re saying, ‘I hope America fails.’ He just wants the country to fail. To me, that’s treason. He’s not saying anything different than what Osama Bin Laden is saying. You know, you might want to look into this, sir, because I think maybe Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker but he was just so strung out on OxyContin he missed his flight.”

“Too much?” asked Sykes, as the crowd responded in a mixed fashion.

”Rush Limbaugh? 'I hope the country fails',” continued Sykes. “I hope his kidneys fail, how about that? He needs a little waterboarding. That’s what he needs.”

By Sunday, Washington insiders were debating whether and how Limbaugh would retaliate against Sykes in the week ahead.

Sykes, who in November announced she is a lesbian, became the first African-American women and the first openly gay person ever to be the featured comedian at the dinner, an annual gathering for journalists who cover the president. She jokingly targeted numerous members of the Washington establishment in her remarks, including Vice President Joe Biden, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the Obamas, noting their tendency to be photographed in ways that reveal their nipples (the president) and arms (the First Lady).

Sykes even took a shot at Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who did not attend the dinner.

”She pulled out at the last minute,” Sykes said. “Somebody should tell her, that’s not really how you practice abstinence.”

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