Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Award Winning Author Moses Miller's Latest Novel Urges Young African American Males to Unleash Their Inner "Barack"

The appointment of Barack Obama has created hope and newfound optimism within the African American community. However, the change in the highest office in The United States has yet to result in a transformation within African American communities. Many are still ravaged by violence, drugs, illiteracy and high school drop out rates that are steadily increasing to epidemic proportions. Author Moses Miller hopes that his soon to be released book titled, The Barack in Me, will play an immediate role in reversing the tide.

"When I heard President Obama's speeches, the message I received was that we all have to play a role in bringing about the change we so desperately need in our communities and in our country," author Moses Miller stated.

The Barack in Me is an inspirational book that was written specifically for young African American males. However, the themes and subject matter cross any boundaries created by gender and race. By intertwining messages that Barack Obama conveyed during his monumental campaign, with the authors own advice and experiences, the end result is a book that encourages the targeted youth to unleash the greatness that exists within them.

"Whatever you're reading now, add this to your list of books to read. Although The Barack in Me is geared towards young, Black men, it's one of those short novels that pretty much anyone can relate to," states Shamontiel Vaughn, a contributor and book reviewer for the Chicago Defender.

With many children in the African American community growing up in single parent households, Mr. Miller felt a need to convey a message directly from a male who could identify with their issues and understand their plight.

"I conduct speaking engagements all the time with youth that don't have positive male role models in their lives. Even with an African American President, they can't see that they have the same potential for greatness. This book is one small step in an effort to guide and nurture our youth. We can't expect them to do it on their own," explains Moses Miller.

Additional information regarding The Barack in Me can be obtained by visiting or by contacting Robin Benton at 516-318-4433. Book in stores August 18, 2009.

Robin Benton

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