Thursday, July 9, 2009

Philadelphia Private Swim Club: I thought black folks couldn't swim. Why are you Negroes going to the pool in the first place?

Look mommy, that nigger is getting in the water. Oh my, and there is even more of them. I bet they are from Philadelphia. What's the matter, they don't have their own public pools? Hurry dear, jump out of the water before you catch something.

Honestly, I don't know if that conversation took place between little Johny and his mom or not, but let me say this; knowing this area the way that I do, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it did.

Now what I do know is that a bunch of day campers made up of mostly black children, were told in no uncertain terms that they could not swim in the Valley Swim Club, pool. Yep, it seems the white parents and swim club members were outraged when they saw all the little Negroes invading their pool space. Poor white folks, No matter how hard they try they just can't get away from those Negroes.

Apparently, according to the President of the club, all those Negroes would change the color of the water in the pool. Did you know that if Negroes are in chlorine long enough that the black will come off? Nothing worse than trying to swim in dark water.

"There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion … and the atmosphere of the club," John Duesler, President of The Valley Swim Club said in a statement.

Of course Mr. Duesler, I understand exactly where you are coming from. Nothing like a bunch of Negroes to change the "atmosphere" of a joint. Trust me, I know all about it, I invented the 12% rule.

"I heard this lady, she was like, 'Uh, what are all these black kids doing here?' She's like, 'I'm scared they might do something to my child,'" said camper Dymire Baylor.

Oh come on Dymire. Are you sure she said black kids and not b-a-d kids? I am sure you all were acting up. You know how you little Negroes can act up sometimes. Especially when you see water. You all saw that that big swimming pool and lost your minds.

Seriously folks, I have been getting e-mails from folks wondering about my hometown and how this can be happening in 2009. Folks, welcome to the real world. Philadelphia, Pistolvania is no different than Philadelphia, Mississippi in terms of racial attitudes. In fact, it might be worse. Oh it's a "city of neighborhoods" alright, and it's a proudly segregated one. But it's not just Philly; pick any city in the Northeast. Anyone. I guarantee you that you will find the same type of prejudices and ignorance among the races.

The Valley Swim Club is a nice Sunday morning jog from my house, and the type of people who make up the membership are the ones who joined to get away from all the Negroes who might pollute the city pools. So this story is not surprising. What's surprising is how surprised everyone seems to be that this actually happened. Obviously they don't read black blogs. And they certainly don't keep up with the racism chasers. If they did, they would realize that we can't keep up. Racism is all over the place, and chasing it is becoming just too damn hard.

Holla at the folks at The Valley Swim Club and let them know that in the age of Obama even little Negroes should be able to swim in peace.

(215) 947-0700

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