Monday, July 13, 2009


Last night, the first two housemates of the season were nominated for eviction. Being that it's still early in the game, it was a pretty uneventful episode. They're still on their best behavior and trying to stay on everyone's good side. Give it a few weeks and I'm sure it will be like a dinner with The New Jersey Housewives.

Chima has been the only one so far to let her Diva tendencies rise to the surface. That may be one reason that she was placed on the chopping block. Along side her was one of my favorite girls so far, Lydia. I can totally see throwing back a couple cocktails with her . Although she did have her hands all over my Jessie when she was giving him a massage in HOH bedroom. Step off BEYATCH!!!

I have to admit that my eye has been wandering over to the other beefy man of the house, Russell. His strong, silent personality is extremely appealing. Don't worry Jessie, you're still first in my heart. Speaking of Jessie, what's up YUMSTER CREW? Why are you being so ugly to my boy? I feel like a high school girl who's dating the guy that all her friends hate. Don't you know that only makes me obsess over him more.

I don't know what makes you think he's an arrogant douchebag.

FYI: The wallpaper of Jessie that I posted on Saturday was the most downloaded pic of the weekend. Come on, don't be scared. It's akay to admit that you think he's YUMMY.

Posted by Mrs.MAC

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