Thursday, July 23, 2009

Woman arrested for muder of twin midget wrestlers

No, that headline isn't the result of a 'stories we'd always click on' competition in the Asylum offices. This actually happened.

A woman in Mexico City has been charged with poisoning two midget wrestlers -- twin brothers Alejandro and Alberto Perez Jimenez -- who were found dead in a hotel room last month.

Prosecutors say that the 65-year-old woman and an accomplice posed as prostitutes and then laced the brothers' alcoholic drinks with eye drops in order to rob them. And let's face it, if you found yourself in a hotel room with a 65-year-old hooker, you'd drink up too.

It's suspected that the ladies failed to take into account the wrestlers' diminutive stature and accidentally gave them a lethal dose.

The brothers fought under the now-ironic names La Parkita ("Little Death") and El Espectrito II ("The Little Ghost") and wore masks as part of the "lucha libre" professional wrestling circuit. Lucha libre was popularised in 1933 and is one of Mexico's proudest cultural traditions, along with piƱatas and originating flu pandemics.

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