Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Arlen Specter validates the mobster heckling him

Recently converted Democrat Arlen Specter, who less than year ago was a Republican "moderate", let some disruptor bring his town hall meeting to a dead stop. He did demand that the guy leave. But then he stood there while the nasty old white guy berated him. When the guy finally shut up and left, Specter validated the FOX interpretation of the Republican mob movement, saying, "We've just had a demonstration of democracy."

I would say he did two things right. He had security and police there ready to deal with disruptors. And he called the guy on his action and demanded that he leave. Both were good ideas.

But then Specter undercut the good effects of his actions by restraining the police and security from expelling him and letting the guy stand there and rant, bringing the meeting to a halt and trying to intimidate others in the crowd with his belligerence. No, Sen. Alleged Democrat Specter, that was not "a demonstration of democracy". That was a display of you validating the Republican mob tactic by allowing to shout and rant to his heart's content. Having the guy summarily removed would have sent the right message in the context of today's national campaign of Republican mob intimidation. In the eyes of the mob movement, that guy achieved his purpose.

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