Monday, August 10, 2009

Obama's Raid on Medicare...

Dear Friend,

Amnesty for millions of illegal aliens is on the horizon. Many justify illegal immigration as necessary for a growing economy but while immigration is important to America's growth, there are those of us who believe legal immigration that controls, balances, guarantees security and builds, rather than destroys, our nation’s prosperity is essential. The great free market economist Milton Friedman hit the nail on the head when he stated: "you cannot have open borders and open welfare."

Now, with amnesty for millions looming, President Obama’s Health Care "reform" is no coincidence. Every single undocumented worker provided amnesty will receive health insurance under the plan now heading to Congress. But because the nation does not have unlimited resources to provide either health insurance or unlimited care, existing resources will have to be distributed to all the new folks to be covered by Obama’s plan. This means rationing, increased taxes, and a massive powerful group of new citizens beholden to Barack Obama and the socialist movement. Millions with their hands in your pockets.

Union organizers should wake up; it’s your jobs on the line. These new citizens will be clamoring for union jobs - and they have the organizational skills (ala ACORN), the political clout and sheer desire to take control of all the major unions.

Obama’s Health Care destroying scheme is far more than a massive tax increase and more pervasive than the government interference in our personal health. This is a radical alteration in the structure of America’s society. Within a couple of years we will find ourselves with millions of individuals who do not know, nor respect, our Constitution and our roots. These individuals will wield massive political power while sapping our individual wealth through this massive income redistribution scheme. And, as Medicare resources shift to the new generation of entitlement recipients, our older generation of those who built this country will be phased out and replaced.

Here are some key points to have when calling or questioning your congressmen:
At a time of rising unemployment, the government would raise the cost of hiring workers by requiring employers to provide health insurance to their workers or pay a fee (tax) to subsidize government coverage.

Every American would be required to buy an insurance policy that meets certain government requirements. Even individuals who are currently insured — and happy with their insurance — will have to switch to insurance that meets the government's definition of "acceptable insurance." Those who cannot afford the required insurance will be subsidized by guess who? You.

A government-run plan similar to Medicare would be set up in competition with private insurance, with people able to choose either private insurance or the taxpayer-subsidized public plan. Subsidies and cost-shifting would encourage Americans to shift to the government plan. The inevitable outcome is a total takeover of health care by the same people who manage the EPA, the Federal Department of Education, The Department of Energy and all the other massive bureaucracies that did not exist a few years ago.

The government would undertake comparative-effectiveness research and cost-effectiveness research, and use the results of that research to impose practice guidelines on providers — initially, in government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, but inevitably extending such rationing to private insurance plans. Included in this are proposals for “end of life” counseling as a way to “control costs” by denying health care to the old and infirm.

Private insurance would face a host of new regulations, including a requirement to insure all applicants and a prohibition on pricing premiums on the basis of risk.
Finally, the government would subsidize and manage the development of a national system of electronic medical records. A system that gives government the ability to access and transfer funds from private bank accounts to cover medical bills.
Taken individually, each of these proposals would be a bad idea Collectively, they will transform the American health care system dramatically in a way that would harm taxpayers, health care providers, and — most importantly — the quality and range of care given to patients. It’s totalitarian control of our nation’s medical industry resources and invasion into every single individual American’s freedom.

I urge you to get on the phone to your Congressman and two U.S. Senators and attend any Town Hall meeting you can find. Together, you and I will stop this dangerous and destructive plan that will destroy our nation and our health care.

On to Victory,

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