Saturday, August 29, 2009

SAT scores still low for African-American youth

More minorities are taking the SAT, but test scores for black students remain lowest among racial and ethnic groups, according to data released this week by the College Board.

Black students scored at least 72 points behind the overall average in critical reading, mathematics and writing.

"No one is disputing the fact that black and Hispanic students score much lower than white students do," said Andy Jacob, spokesman for the New York City Department of Education. "In the past, a lot of black and Hispanic kids were not taking [the SAT] at all and I don't think anyone wants to go back to those days."

Education advocates say more minority test takers is a positive first step but more is needed to fix the disparity in test scores.

"[More students taking the test] is not the end of the road," said Kim Sweet, execuitve director of the Advocacy for Children of New York. "It is still about how well the students are doing on the test and where they're going after. All of us in education need to work harder in making that happen."

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