Friday, September 25, 2009

50,000 Muslims to Pray on Capitol Hill: Guess Who's Not Happy?

The event sounds like yet another Tea Party protest, or perhaps an encore of last weekend's Values Voter Summit: Devout believers joining together this Friday to pray on Capitol Hill for the soul of America.

Who could argue with that? Well, when the believers happen to be Muslims, and there could be as many as 50,000 of them kneeling to pray in Arabic, yes, you could see how there might be some blowback from the usual suspects.

Indeed, the online publication from David Horowitz,, sounded the alarm in an article Monday titled "Taking Islamism to the Streets," and the title of the "9/12 Project" post is simply, "OUTRAGED!" The writers at "Bare Naked Islam" are calling the event "disgusting" and "treasonous" and warn that "50,000 Muslims, terrorists, and terrorist sympathizers" will turn the Capitol into "a giant outdoor mosque." And Charisma magazine, a mainstream Pentecostal publication, quoted Christians in its account saying things like, "It is warfare time."

The most organized pushback so far is from a new organization of a nativist bent called Stop Islamization of America, or SIOA. It describes itself as a group of "scholar warriors/ideological warriors in the cause of American freedom and Constitutional government"-- and defines Islam as against those things. SIOA is using Friday's event, "Islam on Capitol Hill," as a launchpad for the group and to stage a counterprotest.

The Full Story

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