Tuesday, September 22, 2009

ACORN: When Billions of Dollars are on the Line, REFORM

ACORN was caught--multiple tapes from multiple locations around the country, and the processes in each office wear nearly uniform. All the offices were ready to advocate helping an underage prostitution brothel get started in their communities. Wasn't the vision of community organizing according to community organizer numero uno to clean up the neighborhoods with the spirit of volunteerism? Yeah right.

We officially know the vision of community organizing activist groups are robbing Americans for as many tax dollars as an organization like ACORN can get. Show me the money people like Bertha Lewis, President of ACORN, scream--just don't look to deeply into our affairs.

When there are millions if not billions of dollars on the line, it's really easy to beg for forgiveness with every promise in the book. We are to forgive them just like we did Michael Vick, who by they got his suspension reduced in the NFL. They were simply temporarily misguided. Oh really? More like they saw their livelihood dry up so now they tell their sad story. They are victims of society.

Bertha Lewis maintains she is 'outraged' by the content of the tapes. I have a feeling she is outraged that they got caught. This went on in office after office. How could she not know it was going on? The stupidity claim is great when you are looking at your major source of funding being pulled, right Ms. Lewis. Pretend your outraged and that you had nothing to do with it while pleading to the government to allow ACORN itself to run its own internal audit. Ms. Lewis, you don't have anything to cover up personally do you?

"Internally, let's have some reform," Lewis said. "It's indefensible what I saw (in the tapes)."

So now we are being asked as if we were parents to give the bad child a second chance. They can do better we are told. Hell, I could put on my best behavior hat for a few months knowing billions are on the line. This is insane! What common good does ACORN serve anyway other than generate illegal votes for liberal candidates and promote little girls into prostitution. I don't care how many times Bertha Lewis says reform, reform all she wants, just not on our dime please.

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