Thursday, September 10, 2009

California Assemblyman Michael Duvall Resigns After Boasting of How He Sleeps With Lobbyists

Republican California Assemblyman Michael D. Duvall has resigned shortly after the release of the video below where he brags in disgusting and graphic detail about sleeping with lobbyists in his office. The conservative politician who was known for campaigning on family and Christian values may now return to selling insurance with his partner . . . his wife.

I have refrained from publishing a transcript of the initial part of the comments by Duvall (unwittingly made into a live mic) because they are shocking and gross. You may listen to the tape at your own risk. As noted earlier, it is astonishing that Duvall felt comfortable discussing such an encounter, which says something about the legislative culture in the California state legislature.

After the most disgusting part of his comments, the married father of two then continues to add: “So, I am getting into spanking her. Yeah, I like it. I like spanking her. She goes, ‘I know you like spanking me.’ I said, ‘Yeah! Because you’re such a bad girl!” [Laughing] And so her birthday was Monday,” he said at the Wednesday, July 8 committee hearing. “I was 54 on June 14, so for a month, she was 19 years younger than me. I said, ‘Now, you’re getting old. I am going to have to trade you in.’ And she goes, ‘[I'm] 36.’ She is 18 years younger than me. And so I keep teasing her, and she goes, ‘I know you French men. You divide your age by
two and add seven, and if you’re older than that, you dump us.’”

Duvall is vice chairman of the Assembly’s powerful Committee on Utilities & Commerce and one site has named ” veteran Sacramento-based lobbyist Heidi DeJong Barsuglia turned 36 years old on Monday, July 6.” Here is her lobbyist page and picture. She works as a lobbyist for Sempra Energy, which has supported Duvall with campaign contributions. She is a lawyer and previously worked as a speechwriter for former California Governor Pete Wilson. She also held an important post with the California Retailers Association. Her company issued the following statement:

Sempra Energy takes very seriously any reports involving the conduct of our employees. We are investigating this matter and the recent media reports that named one of our employees. The employee has denied the speculative media reports. Our investigation will be conducted to ensure not only that our policies on employee conduct are strictly adhered to, but also that our employee is treated fairly.


Paul said...

“Family Values” California state assemblyman representing Orange County, Republican Michael D. Duvall, resigns for apparently not cheating on his wife. Well you have to take his word for it, or maybe believe that hypocrisy has been bred in. In my opinion the Republican Party has been taken over the most extreme religious right (people who love to push their beliefs on others while trying to take away rights of those they just hate) and that’s who they need to extract from their party if they real want to win. Good Luck, because as they said in WACO, “We Ain’t Coming Out”. He is just another name that can be added to the list of Republican 2009 summer of love: Senator John Ensign (NV), Senator Paul Stanley (TN), Governor Mark Stanford (SC), SC Board of Ed Chair, Kristin Maguire.

Anonymous said...

An assemblyman takes advantage of his position of power and violates the trust between him and the voters who elected him and you're somehow blaming the religious right? Typical. It's unjust and annoying but not unexpected.

Assemblyman Michael Duvall ran on being a family values politican. He has misled his constituents who have a right to be in an uproar, whether they are religious or not.

Next time a politican wants to take advantage of his power, he should remember the people who worked hard to get him elected and why he's in a position of power in the first place.