Friday, September 18, 2009

Government Takeover of Health Care Will Provide Taxpayer Funded Abortions

Dear Friend

There are a lot of questions about President Barack Obama's plans to take over your healthcare. President Obama said that no tax dollars would go to fund abortions under his plan. But that's just not accurate.

This legislation is being pushed by the biggest left-wing liberals in Congress and it would be naïve to think that Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups wouldn't be yelling and screaming if abortion up to and including the day of delivery isn't fully taxpayer-funded in this bill.

Here’s what they said in a recent action alert:
"Without genuine access to reproductive health care, a woman's right to choose is made meaningless. With Congress making decisions this very moment that will define the future of health care in America for a generation, we don't have a moment to waste."
Every taxpayer should be on guard against this insidious legislation because the President's plan, as well as Senator Baucus's plan, will force you the taxpayer to pay for abortions. Here's why:

All of these plans will be required to provide "free" abortions, and your premiums will pay for those "free" abortions. It might not be called a tax, but it's really the same thing.

The good news is that the American people and, yes, the people of New Jersey, oppose what the President and his left-wing allies are trying to do to our country and our health care system. Learn what you can do to help stop this plan. Please join me and our special guest Dr. Betsy McCaughey and others for our "Hands Off Our Health Care" conference and dinner at the Forsgate Country Club, Wednesday, September 23 at 7:00 pm.

This event will be an opportunity to learn the shocking details of what the President is proposing, what it will mean for you, and the myths supporters of this plan are putting forward. Together we will stop them.

Register Today!

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