Friday, September 11, 2009

Hugo Chavez jokes with Spain's king

MADRID — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez joked Friday with King Juan Carlos, saying the Spanish monarch's new beard reminded him of Fidel Castro, further cementing a patched-up rapport with a man who once told Chavez to shut up.

"It is to change my look a bit," said the king, who grew the beard over the summer.

Later, Chavez, a lover of the limelight, was jeered by a small group of protesters as he visited a bookstore on one of Madrid's main drags at the conclusion of a brief visit that ended his tour of nine countries. The protesters called Chavez a murderer and a dictator.

During his swing through Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, Russia and former Soviet satellites, Chavez did not avoid controversy. In Tehran, he said he would sell Iran gasoline — a step that would help the country if it is hit with new sanctions over its nuclear program. In Moscow, he gave Russia a boost by recognizing two Russian-backed Georgian regions as independent, becoming only the third country to do so and drawing criticism from the United States.

The Full Story

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