Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Janet Jackson will pay tribute to Michael at VMAs

Janet Jackson will lead a tribute to her late brother Michael at the Video Music Awards.

The tribute will kick off the show on Sunday. Details about the tribute are scant -- MTV's announcement of Janet Jackson's appearance was all of two sentences long -- but the cable network says she will help open the show by honoring her brother's career, which was intertwined with the rise of MTV in the early 1980s.

MTV did, however, take the time in its release to knock down a rumor that choreographer Frank Gaston will be involved in the tribute. He won't be, the network says.

MTV started promoting its VMA tribute over the weekend with spots showing a torrent of sequined gloves falling from the sky and promising "a tribute like no other" for Michael Jackson, who died on June 25. The VMAs air at 9 p.m. ET Sunday from New York.

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