Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Obama tries to build momentum for health overhaul

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama will tell the nation in a prime-time address precisely how he wants to expand health care, pitching what his spokesman says will be a fresh argument for the hotly-contested public option.

"The president's going to speak clearly and directly to the American people about what's in this bill for them," press secretary Robert Gibbs said Wednesday.

Appearing on morning news shows, Gibbs said Obama will tout a health care overhaul that secures insurance people now have, makes affordable care accessible to those without it and cuts insurance costs for families and small businesses.

Discussing Obama's thinking, a senior administration official said the president will make a case for why he believes a government-run option is the best way to introduce greater competition into the system. The official, who discussed the speech on grounds of anonymity because preparations remain under way, also said Obama would offer to hear new ideas and he would not suggest any veto scenario at this time.

Even as Obama prepared to speak to a joint session of Congress and a live television audience, the leader of the influential Senate Finance Committee raced to broker a bipartisan agreement on the president's top domestic priority.

The Full Story

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