Saturday, October 10, 2009

Corzine Uses Ad Blitz to Close Christie Gap

The Republican candidate for governor of New Jersey is losing his grip on a race that once seemed his to lose.

Chris Christie, a 47-year-old former U.S. attorney, had a 10-point lead in polls over Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine as of early September. New Jersey, a state recently hit with a big public-corruption probe and sagging under a heavy tax burden and high unemployment, seemed primed to elect a Republican with a reputation as a crime fighter.

New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, left, greets GOP challenger Chris Christie, right, before their debate last week. Independent candidate Chris Daggett looks on.

But in recent weeks, a torrent of negative advertising from the Corzine camp has stung Mr. Christie and put the Republican on the defensive.

One of the ad campaigns zeroed in on women's health. Mr. Christie had suggested that to get more people insured, insurance companies should be allowed to offer stripped-down policies, freeing them from mandates that certain tests and procedures be covered. A Corzine ad accused Mr. Christie of wanting to allow insurance plans that wouldn't cover mammograms, setting off further ad battles.

"A lot of soft supporters of Chris Christie are asking a lot of hard questions, such as...'What are these candidates going to do about my most important concerns?' " said Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute. "They are coming up with answers they don't like or they don't see the answers.... As much as they may be unhappy with the current administration, that's not enough to kick him out."

The Corzine camp also appeared question whether Mr. Christie was, literally, fit for office. A voiceover in one TV ad says: "Christie threw his weight around as U.S. attorney and got off easy." Footage shows Mr. Christie climbing out of a vehicle, showing his girth.

Sean Darcy, a Corzine spokesman, said "nothing was deliberate." The governor's campaign "has no interest in Christie's appearance," he said.

The Full Story

1 comment:

Unknown said... conducted a study among 300 New Jersey residents on the recent anti-Chris Christie ad. The results showed that respondents increased their support for incumbent Governor Jon Corzine after viewing the recent ad, which endorsed him for re-election. Prior to viewing the ad, 62% of Democrats reported that they would vote for Corzine. After viewing the ad the number increased to 70%. Similarly, 22% of Republicans reported that they would vote for Corzine before viewing the ad. After viewing the ad the number increased to 28%.
More in depth results can be seen at: