Friday, October 16, 2009


Linda Brown rode into the parking lot of a Columbus, Ohio Burlington Coat Factory store claiming to have won nearly 2 MM USD in a lottery. She told everyone who would listen to buy clothes and bring them to the register their purchases were on her. By the end of the day she was being driven in a different sort of car--a police cruiser.

You see Linda Brown didn't win the lottery. SHe had a credit card with a 5 M USD limit but that was quickly burnt up by the growing throng of shoppers. No problem Brown told the crowd she would just go to the bank and get the cash and they just needed to keep shopping. Well she didn't return and when the truth began to sink in the staff at the store feared the worst.

The time and effort of twenty five Columbus cops were needed to stop the now rabid consumers who couldn't shake their desire to get their "promised free stuff." I often think about what the collpase of anation like the US would be like. A stampede caused by a lottery winner joax needed to be stopped by cops who were there to "protect the merchandise." Hmmm, this makes me wonder is there ever going to be a time in US history as a real decline sets in that "the merchandise" becomes less important than Human Lives?

Gavlae Reudo Maxric
Copy Editor

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