Saturday, October 17, 2009

Goldman Sachs for President!

No need, really. Goldman already sits at the top of the ruling hierarchy and has the power to choreograph the financial markets. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) just named a new Chief Operating Officer for its Enforcement Unit, and this new guy is Adam Storch, a 29-year-old executive from Goldman Sachs. He’s been a VP at Goldman Sach, after only being there for five years, and heck, he’s only 29 years old. And he is the Chief Enforcer who will “protect” the markets and American consumers from harm while he secures the privileges, advantages, and profits of mega-Wall Street firms, where I bet Golman Sachs will come first in the pecking order.

Make sure you see Glenn Greenwald’s sterling article on this coup, especially his updates at the bottom. Here’s an interesting timeline based on Greenwald’s article.

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