Friday, October 9, 2009

Michael Steele’s Playa Hate on Obama’s Nobel Win

First Republicans rejoice that America loses the 2016 Olympic bid and now this:

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Steele released the following statement today:

“The real question Americans are asking is, ‘What has President Obama actually accomplished?’ It is unfortunate that the president’s star power has outshined tireless advocates who have made real achievements working towards peace and human rights. One thing is certain – President Obama won’t be receiving any awards from Americans for job creation, fiscal responsibility, or backing up rhetoric with concrete action.”

The NY Daily News points out that it is a more negative spin than even Hamas:

Says Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh (via the wires):

“We are in need of actions, not sayings. If there is no fundamental and true change in American policies toward the acknowledgment of the rights of the Palestinian people, I think this prize won’t move us forward or backward.”

I hate hearing static on the airwaves about how Barack Obama hasn’t done anything to deserve this award. Ummm, he’s withdrawn U.S. troops successfully from Iraqi cities and is beginning to bring troops home. He’s gone to Russia within his first year in office to negotiate for serious nuclear disarmament. He’s worked hard to promote peace around the world, including a markedly different approach to North Korea and Iran. The Nobel committee may have nominated him quickly in the wake of his inauguration, but they took most of this year to evaluate all submissions. Observe the graphic above on how the process works. There’s a full timeline of the process on and here’s the list of the Nobel Prize committee members who are appointed by the Norwegian parliament.Obama has worked hard as President to turn around America’s reputation as a global citizen nation. This clearly wasn’t a rushed emotional decision. The committee is making a clear statement about the type of world leaders the world needs right now. All Americans should be proud.Who really hates America? Conservatives are willing to take down America in their jealousy, fear and thirst for power. It’s ugly and deeply unpatriotic. It’s playa hate taken to the ultimate level.

Author: Jill Tubman

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