Friday, October 2, 2009

So, does Starbucks' Via instant coffee really taste fresh-brewed?

The baristas at Starbucks are extra perky this week, and not because they're downing espresso shots (though maybe they are). It's because of the launch of Via, a new line of Starbucks instant coffee. As much as I wanted to get my latte and run this morning, the woman at the cash register insisted I try Via and went on to explain the two "irresistible" varieties: Colombia medium roast and Italian extra bold. Everywhere I looked, I couldn't escape Via: in-store displays, posters, digital screens and at the registers, where free samples were abundant. Starbucks went all out for this launch, making sure its patrons see Via even in their dreams. My barista insisted the coffee tastes just like regular Starbucks, and I was sold. I'll pay $2.95 for a three-pack of instant coffee that tastes just like the stuff I usually get for $2 and change. Well, as I found out later, Via doesn't taste exactly like Starbucks. But to be fair, it's close enough and offers a bold taste that not many other instant coffees do. So, what's the verdict? Starbucks has done a great job marketing the product, but it should tone down the promises a bit. Instant coffee is instant coffee, after all.

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