Friday, October 16, 2009

Winger Madness: Obama Winning the Nobel Prize Proves that He's the Antichrist and the End is Near

by Meg White

When I first heard last Friday morning that President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, my heart sank a little. Not that I wasn't proud; I was just scared of the reaction of the radical right.
Strangely enough, they're scared too, or at least professing to be. Turns out, receiving the Nobel Peace Prize is tantamount to being crowned the Antichrist. Take for example this response to the breaking news that Obama had been awarded the prize:

When I heard this morning about o's [sic] glorification, I was terrified that the Rapture had occurred and I had done something to miss it. No way in a normal world would anyone give the prize to 0bama based on his record to date... I mean something weird had to happen, right?

But, I got on here, you guys are all still here, so either we messed up somewhere along the way, or we're still waiting to be called home!

These comments come from a user named "Never alone" posting on the bulletin board for the Web site Rapture Ready, a resource for Christians who believe the end is near and that it will unfold as written in the Bible's Book of Revelation.

Back in August of 2008, I looked behind that infamous political ad called "The One" by the McCain campaign, with the help of religious scholar Bruce Wilson of Talk 2 Action. Wilson told me he worried the ad was evidence that eschatology (the study of the "end of times") and dispensational Christianity (a modern platform for explaining the existence of evil in an end-of-times narrative) are "becoming the idiom of politics."

The Full Story

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So if anyone likes both Obama and the rapture, he or she can now Google "Obama Avoids Bible Verses" and "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty."