Friday, November 6, 2009

A Message From Phil Kerpen, Americans for Prosperity

Dear Voters

I'm writing to you this morning for two reasons:
1. Yesterday's "Congressional House Calls" were a great success, and

2. You must call your member of Congress before tomorrow's House vote on a Washington takeover of health care

Yesterday, I stood on the steps of the U.S. Capitol looking out at more than 20,000 Americans - people from all across the nation who traveled to Washington to say "Hands Off Our Health Care!" and demand real reform that expands choice and puts patients first.

Over 20,000 Americans at the National Congressional House Call

The atmosphere was electric. It's clear that the energy of this summer's protests has only grown as Congress tries to rush us towards a reckless multi-trillion-dollar health care takeover.

And the action wasn't just in Washington. Tens of thousands of Americans made "Emergency House Calls" yesterday to their Representatives' local offices. We saw huge crowds in Missouri, Arizona, Wisconsin, Colorado, North Carolina, Arkansas, and other key states.

AFP activists telling Congress "Hands Off Our Health Care"

Our message and our enthusiasm have clearly resonated with Republican legislators. Rep. Eric Cantor, the Republican Whip, told the crowd in Washington that not a single Republican will vote for Nancy Pelosi's Washington takeover of health care, scheduled for this Saturday.

You and I must hold the Republican legislators to this commitment. But we must also, right now, break through to wavering Democratic legislators and demand that they vote "No" this Saturday.

Please help by calling your member of Congress today. Then, encourage everyone you know to contact their member of Congress by forwarding this email to them by clicking here
Saturday's vote will be the first real test of this grassroots campaign to protect our families' health care. We must do all we can to stop this Washington takeover from passing the House of Representatives.

You've done so much, and we've come so far in this battle. Let's make sure it counts when Congress votes tomorrow.

Thanks for all you do.
Phil Kerpen
Director of Policy

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