Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Mormon church makes nice with gays

By Lexington

GOOD news from AP in Utah:

The Mormon church for the first time has announced its support of gay rights legislation, an endorsement that helped gain unanimous approval for Salt Lake City laws banning discrimination against gays in housing and employment.
The church still thinks that marriage is for heterosexuals only and that gays should remain celibate. But this marks a shift in emphasis since the brouhaha over its support last year for California's Proposition 8, the ballot measure that barred gay marriage (but not civil unions).

The Mormon church has a long history of shifting in ways that seem to take account of what the outside world thinks.

In 1890, it renounced polygamy, a switch that undoubtedly helped Utah win statehood.

And in 1978, God apparently revealed that it was now OK to allow blacks into the Mormon priesthood.

I once asked a mild-mannered Mormon elder why that ban ever existed. He replied: "We don't know."

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