Friday, November 20, 2009

Most Republicans think ACORN stole the 2008 election

If you ever doubted Fox's political power, look no further than these new poll results from PPP:

The poll asked this question: "Do you think that Barack Obama legitimately won the Presidential election last year, or do you think that ACORN stole it for him?" The overall top-line is legitimately won 62%, ACORN stole it 26%.

Among Republicans, however, only 27% say Obama actually won the race, with 52% -- an outright majority -- saying that ACORN stole it, and 21% are undecided.

These sorts of numbers would not be possible without Fox, and I'm not just talking about their endless promotion of the ACORN "sting" videos.

It's important to remember that Fox's obsession with ACORN is nothing new. Indeed, before the 2008 election they breathlessly warned that ACORN was trying to steal the vote.

To give you an idea of just how long Fox has been building this ACORN narrative, check out this example: during one four-day period in the middle of October, 2008, Fox mentioned ACORN four times as frequently as CNN and MSNBC combined.

Mentions of ACORN 706 67 112

No well-informed person could believe that ACORN stole the election from John McCain, but in large part thanks to Fox News, nobody has ever accused the Republican base of being well-informed.

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