Thursday, December 17, 2009

Elin Nordegren to Divorce Tiger … Should Eldrick Put an End to His “Indefinite Leave” From Golf?

Tiger Woods is about to get dumped by his wife, Elin Nordegren, according to ABC News. This does not come as a shock considering Tiger cheated on her with over a dozen women; at last count, the tally was around 15. Friday, Woods announced he was taking an “indefinite leave” from golf, presumably in an attempt to save his marriage. If that is beyond salvageable, does this mean we’ll see Tiger at Torrey Pines for the Buick Invitational [Century Club of San Diego Invitational] at the end of January? The city of San Diego would benefit significantly from Tiger’s first weekend on the course. (That’s the weekend before the Super Bowl, and there’s no football to steal the spotlight.) The media crush will be record-setting.

1 comment:

brandon knight said...

After the public humiliation and total disregard that he showed towards her and the children, there is no way she can retain her dignity and stay with him!