Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ayatollah So

Showing yet again how much Iran appreciates Barack Obama's "let's just talk and be pals" foreign policy strategy, Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is promising a "huge punch" which will stun Western powers this coming Thursday, to celebrate the 31st anniversary of the Islamic revolution.

Speculations about the nature of this "huge punch" include the possibility of an Internet meltdown when one billion Muslims simultaneously "de-friend" Barack Obama on Facebook, or the possible announcement of an Iranian "Super-DUPER-Bowl" which will have "much funnier commercials than those produced by the infidels."

In any event, it's time this president got serious about Iran's nuclear weapons program, support of international terror, murder of demonstrators, and threats to destroy Israel.

"The Audacity of Hugs" isn't working.

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