Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Groundhog Day Goes High-Tech

It’s Groundhog Day! Will there be six more weeks of winter, or an early spring?
I’m hoping for an early spring, personally–I’ve practically been living in my Snuggie™ this past week. And I’ve been hearing from a lot of my friends who live in the Carolinas, Virginia and Maryland that I’m not alone in having had enough of winter.

Even though I know full well that spring begins on March 21, regardless of whether Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow or not, I can’t help but get caught up in the whole Groundhog Day hype. I’ll turn on the TV news and try to catch the “did he see the shadow moment” in between making school lunches and watching for the kids’ bus.

This year, though, I won’t have to worry about missing the moment of prediction. I’ve signed up to get a text message from Punxsutawney Phil himself! It will contain his 2010 weather prognostication; after 120 years, Phil has gone high tech.

When I joined the 16,000+ cell-phone users who signed up for Phil’s special message, I got a speedy reply:
“Welcome to the Visitpa.com first to know on Groundhog day. You are so in the know it is like being in the burrow.”

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