Monday, February 22, 2010

USA Hockey Beats Team Canada For the First Time in Over 50 Years

by Bungalow Bill

There is one Olympic story I don't mind hearing again and again. You know what I mean. There are those Olympic stories that get dug up every four years, and you think oh no, not again. The 1980 US Olympic hockey team's Gold Medal isn't one of those stories. In 1980, a hockey team gave a nation hope for its future--far more hope than a black man running for president throwing around the phrase hope and change.

Since 1980, USA Hockey hasn't met the same success, and so we live for the days of old when many thought the best days of America were over as we watched the news each night of the doom and gloom of the Carter years--hostages in Iran, stagflation, outrageous interest rates, a dead housing market, and a weakened and ignored military.

So it's with some irony and hope for the future that we are seeing success this year with the US men's hockey team as they beat Canada yesterday for the first time in 50 years. The only problem is, when the 1980 hockey team won, we were at the end of the Carter era, and there isn't a Ronald Reagan figure in the Republican party to save the country with common sense conservatism. We still have just less than three years of surviving under Obama.

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