Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dear Liberty Activist,

Today, Barack Obama delivered his latest incarnation of ObamaCare, wherein he green-lighted the use of the budget reconciliation process, as reported by the Daily Caller. In his prepared remarks, he stated, "I believe the United States Congress owes the American people a final vote on health care reform. We have debated this issue thoroughly, not just for a year, but for decades… I have therefore asked leaders in both of Houses of Congress to finish their work and schedule a vote in the next few weeks."

Top Capitol Hill sources have suggested to ALG News that the reconciliation program would work on the following scheduled:

1) The House would go first, moving the Senate-passed legislation by Friday, March 19th.

2) The House will then pass the reconciliation package of "fixes" by March 23rd.

3) Senate will take up both bills and pass them before Easter.

All against your wishes, I might add. These people still haven't learned their lesson. The American people simply do not support this legislation.

Let's keep fighting! Here are all the phone numbers for Blue Dog and other so-called "moderate" Democrat members of the House that should be targeted (excepting Parker Griffith from the list, who is now conferencing with House Republicans and has expressed opposition to the ObamaCare bill). Here's the Senate numbers.

And, we need to get back on CapWiz and let members of the House and Senate know what we think about their intransigence! The reconciliation process is intended for minor budget fixes, not to be used to eliminate the filibuster. Enacting ObamaCare in this manner will solidify one-party rule in the nation and wreck some of the careful constraints that were placed on the Senate.

If you think the government's too big now, just think of how bad it would be if all the Senate needed was 51 votes to nationalize entire sectors of the economy!

In today's edition of the Liberty Action Report, Senate Democrats stab Senator Jim Bunning in the back, Obama finds an alternative

Please send your letters to the editor at We publish all points of view! Today, Beth Babson writes:

"While they're bashing each other over unemployment benefits and who will fund it there are millions of people out of work and wondering how to feed themselves and their families this week - not just next week or next month. Let's not forget it is the policies which got us here in the first place. I happen to be better off than a lot of people and my personal situation is dire, depressing if not scary and seems as if no light at the end of the tunnel to be seen yet.

"In May it will be two years I've not worked after losing a stock market job (while yep --- those bosses sure seem to have made out pretty well while us workers were put in the streets) and lived off credit after going through savings. I know we can't wait much longer as most people usually plan on 3-6 months savings if a job loss happens. Quit the fighting over how to fund unemployment benefits and stop the policies which destroyed American jobs so we don't have to depend on unemployment and can provide for ourselves. By making it worse we are forced to depend on benefits and I worry this is more than part of the problem of turning ourselves into a Socialist nation."

Thank you, Beth, for your courage out there and for speaking the piece of millions of Americans who, yes, are struggling—and want government to get the heck out of their way!

We'll push this back. We'll never relent. We'll never stop until representative government is restored in this nation. Never surrender.

Keep fighting!

For Liberty,

Robert Romano
ALG Senior News Editor

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