Saturday, April 24, 2010

Goldman Sachs e-mails: Yeah, we bet against mortgages

Of course we didn’t dodge the mort­gage mess. We lost money, then made more than we lost because of shorts.
Gold­man Sachs CEO Lloyd C. Blank­fein • In an e-mail regard­ing its role in the mort­gage cri­sis. The e-mail, one of many released by the Sen­ate Per­ma­nent Sub­com­mit­tee on Inves­ti­ga­tions, sug­gests that the com­pany was bet­ting against the fail­ing hous­ing mar­ket and prof­it­ing sig­nif­i­cantly from it – one of the main claims of the SEC’s law­suit against the invest­ment firm. This could be bad news for Gold­man Sachs.

1 comment:

windcatcher said...

An “octopus wrapped around the face of humanity” as one journalist put it; the New World Banking Order has arrived. In 2009 speculative, uncontrolled derivatives were the Worlds largest market at an estimated 600 Trillion. The Worlds total economic output was an estimated 58.07 Trillion and the total World bond market was an estimated 82.2 Trillion. Yet, there is no “crime” that the bankers can be charged with as they bankrupt citizens and Nations into the New World Order?
The appropriate criminal charge should be Treason to the American People and our Democratic Republic and Constitution. The members of the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group in government and banking who conspired to overthrow our soverenity as an independent nation, who conspired to bankrupt our Treasury with three unjust Wars and multinational corporate “rolling” bailouts, conspired to control mass media “free Press” propaganda, conspired and manipulated “financial crisis” for their own gain, conspired to “relocate” American industry and technology, conspired to offshore “American Income Tax”, and who have conspired to enslave American citizens with National debt (about $64,000 per citizen) and personal debt. Deserve the death sentence by firing squad for Treason.
Obama, your New World Order is Totalitarian and we Patriots, American free citizens, will fight for our Democracy, Independence and Freedom.