Sunday, May 30, 2010

New Black Panther Party Prepares For War Against Tea Partiers

Those poor aggrieved black radicals. Even though their fellow travelers in the White House and the Dept of Justice are stonewalling their voter intimidation case, nasty, tea-bagging racist forces are still pressing the issue. This calls for war!

New Black Panther Party, Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz, persists despite controversy.
The New Black Panther Party has been embroiled in a battle between Republican Congressmen and the U.S. Department Of Justice battle over a ”voter intimidation” scandal for the last 18 months. During these 18 months right wing and Republican Newspaper and Electronic media have gone to exhaustive lengths to discredit and slander the New Black Panther Party and its Chairman and Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz.

Despite the controversy the New Black Panther Party continues to grow and expand. The National Black Power Conventions impressive lineup of guests and organizations is a testimony that the New Black Panthers Leadership has support in wide circles in the Black Community, particularly amongst grassroots organizers and entertainers.
“With the rise of the Tea Party, the white-right and other racist forces. With gun sales nationwide at an all time high amongst whites, with a mood that is more anti-Black than any time recent, it is imperative that we organize our forces, pool our resources and prepare for war!” Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz, Esq. Convention Convener and Party Chairman.

They mean that figuratively speaking, right? right????
“This Years Convention will be better than ever because of the quality of presenters and the depth of the workshops and speakers.” Minister Hashim Nzinga, Convention Co-Convener and Party Chief of Staff.
Keynote speakers will be Malik Zulu Shabazz and Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think whitie tired of you. All your big mouth bull shit. You're only 16% of the population. I'm a Nam vet myself and I'm a Tea Party person. I known you don't want any part of me....your all chicken shit and you only want to pick on the weak, people to can intimidate.
If the Attorney General was doing his job you've be in jail for the stunt outside the polling place in philadelphia.Of course the King woman SET YOU FREE