Monday, May 10, 2010

SIGN Petition In Support of Arizona Immigration Reform

Written by Miranda Sullivanclose

About: sassy perpetually-right redhead seeks SWM for politically incorrect debate and potential world domination. sans beaches, racial guilt, and pretentious cyber stalkers. socialists need not apply.See Authors Posts (45)
The response to Arizona’s ridiculous attempt to define ‘illegal’ as something (or in this case: someone) that by existing or by doing is breaking the law has proven to be of historical magnitude. Obviously they’re just racists; as our President, the prophet Barack Hussein Obama would suggest.
Actually, it goes far past mere suggestion. The Commander In Chief of the United States of America has very publicly condemned Arizona’s very legal legislative maneuvers as ‘racist, intolerant and unconstitutional’. Just another reason to doubt that our beloved BHO has yet to actually READ the constitution. Which is not necessarily his fault, we did opt for on the job training and it is possible that the extensive library within The White House excludes the recently deemed controversial publication.
The fact of the matter is that our country has clearly established an immigration process to benefit current citizens as well as future Americans. If these guidelines (or laws as we sometimes call them) are ignored then the individuals deliberately disregarding them are deemed ‘illegal aliens’. Until this process is altered or abandoned all together, our states as well as their democratically elected representatives are sworn to uphold and enforce the mandated consequences. Far be it from us to expect our government to do their job.

However, Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona has just done that. As a result she has been directly placed in the line of fire. Mostly by individuals utilizing social networking as a silly profanity plagued abuse technique.

Her response: tweet a petition of support Our response: post it on our site
There are two reasons why you are reading this. The option hardly worth a sentence of mention is to troll American citizens as they proactively attempt to revolutionize the country that hopefully we all (Michele Obama excluded) love and revere with at the very least a comparative sense of appreciation.
The other is to network with like minded individuals, catch up on recent headlines and opinions et cetera. But really that’s not why Parcbench is here. Yes we’re an alternative (conservative) media outlet, a singular attempt at stalling the left lobe deterioration so aptly expedited by conventional media. But our MISSION is to create dialogue among citizens in the midst of political unrest, to be at least a minimal part of what is sure to be the most profound revolution of our age.
We appreciate the giggles and cyber-high-fives, but if that’s all you take from your time spent at our url then you’re wasting your time and feeding into our own fear of utter helplessness.
Tirades aside, if you support Arizona’s immigration agenda we ask that you PROVE IT. Sign the attached petition and send a message to Obama, DC and the rest of the world. It is time to hold our government accountable and a little less of the other way around.

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