Thursday, June 17, 2010

Barack Obama’s Bogus Budget Cuts

By Howard Rich

In its latest attempt to mitigate public outrage over out-of-control government growth, the administration of President Barack Obama has instructed a handful of federal agencies to cut their budgets by five percent.

That’s right — after trillions of dollars in deficit spending, several multi-billion dollar bailouts and a costly socialized medicine proposal, Obama now believes he can cast himself in the role of “cost-cutter.” How convenient. Five months before an election that could dramatically alter the balance of power in Washington, D.C., Obama and his congressional allies apparently think they can change public opinion by handing a few pennies back to the taxpayers they’ve mugged to the tune of trillions of dollars.

Of course despite the best efforts of the legacy media to perpetuate this scam, the reality is that Obama isn’t cutting anything — not a dime. In fact, his budget office is calling for the so-called “savings” accrued from these “cuts” to be pumped into additional government growth. Frankly, that makes this nothing more than an over-hyped transfer of funds.

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