Friday, June 18, 2010

Big Government Breeds Hypocrisy

By David Bozeman

We knew it was coming.

Liberals are consumed with the concept of conservative (and in this case, Tea Party) hypocrisy. Finding a sexual indiscretion is their biggest delight, but any contradiction, they think, is their “checkmate” and debate is tabled and they have won the day.

The latest refrain from the left is that conservatives and Tea Partiers are eating their own rhetoric about less government, now that we are demanding action in the wake of the worsening situation in the Gulf. Columnist Leonard Pitts writes that, “as there are no atheists in foxholes, there are no small government disciples in oil spills.” He also states that, “government is not our enemy. . . [it] is the imperfect embodiment of our common will.”

There is a profound difference between government that protects life and property and one that micro-manages more and more aspects of our economic and personal affairs. Protecting national waters and coastlines from an ecological disaster is one thing, mandating my health insurance is quite another.

Another columnist, Froma Harrop, shows particular disdain for those Tea Partiers who still expect their Medicare. She writes, “Hey, the same Constitution (you keep insisting) says nothing about a universal right to health coverage doesn’t guarantee health benefits for older people, either.”

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