Thursday, June 17, 2010

Donald Berwick: Will we ration health care with our eyes open?

By Adam Bitely

With each passing day, we learn new information about what was inside of the ObamaCare legislation. Many of the concerns that Tea Partiers raised about the legislation, that were dismissed as myths by the Obama administration have proven to be facts. Most notable among these is the Obama denial that the new law would result in Health Care rationing.

Enter Dr. Donald Berwick—the soon to be rationer-in-chief.

Donald Berwick is the Obama appointment to run the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This is the largest entity in the Federal Government health care system costing nearly $1 trillion. The appointment of Berwick to this high position should raise many eyebrows.

Berwick is an outspoken supporter of the British National Health Service, the state-run Health Care that the British citizens have been enduring since 1948. The British system imposes rationing on its paying patients, an idea that Berwick praises.

While many were criticized for suggesting that rationing would happen in America if ObamaCare came to pass, the people that Obama is putting in place openly support such schemes. After all, personnel is policy, and Berwick has stated that “the decision is not whether or not we will ration care, the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.”

When one looks at the British National Health Service, the words of Berwick usually do not come to mind. As he said, “I am romantic about the National Health Service, I love it.” But what about the people that have fallen victim to this system? Does he love that?

Get full story here.

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