Friday, June 11, 2010

A Tale of Two Countries: Why the U.S. is Drowning in its own Blood while China Prospers?

By Bill Wilson

Two unrelated stories in early June show in stark detail why the United States is on an accelerating downward, death spiral while China is continuing to build a solid foundation for economic domination in the decades to come. The actions reported in and of themselves will hardly register on the radar of most Americans. But they portray the crucial errors and arrogance of the Obama regime. They also point to a different path, a way forward out of the morass of ultra-liberal, ideological delusion that is now policy in Washington, D.C.

The first article, appearing in the Washington Post, details Chinese investment in the basket case of Europe, Greece. The Chinese government is investing “hundreds of millions — perhaps billions — of euros” into Greek infrastructure. Not the soft infrastructure that is thinly disguised consumption but in the hard, base platform that will allow both China and Greece to build prosperity.

Greece’s primary port city is Piraeus, a gritty industrial zone to the west of Athens. China is investing heavily to modernize Piraeus. Why? The answer is simple. The investment is so China will have a port to off-load mountains of Chinese exports to Europe. They are making investments that will enable industry to produce and sell more. And that means they are investing to put their people to work.

China has learned the hard way that control of all elements — what was once called total vertical integration — means maximum profit. Greece is flat on its back. China can get what it wants cheap. The irony of a communist state teaming up with a petty bourgeois neo-socialist government to crush unions allied with a local communist party just to maximize profits is too sweet not to note.

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